Monday, 28 March 2016

Fareham Wheelers Spring 10 Start List

James Boyman, James Copeland, Seb Ader, Simon Berogna & Paul Ashley haed the field for the Fareham Wheelers Spring 10.
Saturday 2nd April 2016
Supported By South Downs Bikes
(Promoted for and on behalf of Cycling Time Trials under their Rules and Regulations)

Course P829/A Distance 10 Miles
Course Record Simon Berogna (VC St Raph) 22:50

Event is part of CTT South District Sporting Time Trial Series which is open to all Clubs and Teams affiliated to CTT South

HQ Wickham Community Centre
Sign-On from 13:30
First Rider 14:30
Wickham Community CentreMill Lane, Wickham, Fareham PO17 5AL

Course Description
START at Mellish Bottom in layby on B2177 (GR592109). Proceed East to Staple crossroads. Continue on to Southwick rbt, carry on straight on B2177 up Southwick Hill towards Portsmouth to turn at roundabout at junction with James Callaghan Drive (GR 648066), Retrace to Southwick rbt passing through start, to FINISH in west of start (GR585112) 10 miles.

Start List

No Name Club Cat VTTA Age STD Start Time
1 Andy Smith Fareham Whs V 00:26:09 14:31
2 Paul Jackson Team Bottrill V 00:26:45 14:32
3 William Fleming Velo Club Venta V 00:26:41 14:33
4 Stuart Cochran Fareham Whs V 00:26:18 14:34
5 Hamish Walker Blazing Saddles V 00:26:18 14:35
6 Luke Rendell Poole Whs S 14:36
7 Jon Smith Fareham Whs V 00:26:45 14:37
8 Robin Ellis East London Velo S 14:38
9 Liz McDougall Portsmouth Triathletes WS 14:39
10 Charlie Leech Southampton University RC S 14:40
11 Rob Sherrin ...a3crg V 00:26:36 14:41
12 Simon Veater Young Fareham Whs V 00:25:59 14:42
13 Tom Bandy Portsdown Hill CC S 14:43
14 Izzy Brickell Fareham Whs U/18G 14:44
15 Shaun Smart Southdown Velo V 00:26:54 14:45
16 Alex Johnson Fareham Whs V 00:26:13 14:46
17 Tim Cooke Sotonia CC V 00:26:36 14:47
18 Peter Knipe Fareham Whs V 00:27:51 14:48
19 Andy Tedd ...a3crg V 00:26:36 14:49
20 Simon Healey Andover Whs V 00:26:13 14:50
21 Robert Fryer Portsdown Hill CC S 14:51
22 David Rich Fareham Whs V 00:26:13 14:52
23 Robert Panter Portsmouth North End CC S 14:53
24 Abbie Manley Solent Pirates U/18G 14:54
25 David Dalton Fareham Whs V 00:26:45 14:55
26 Christopher Fletcher Portsmouth North End CC S 14:56
27 Neil Mackley Fareham Whs V 00:26:54 14:57
28 Caitlin Peters I-Team CC U/18G 14:58
29 Ruud Jonkers Portsmouth Triathletes S 14:59
30 Gary Chambers Fareham Whs S 15:00
31 Nick Andrews Portsmouth North End CC V 00:26:45 15:01
32 Sarah Matthews ...a3crg WV 00:29:20 15:02
33 Richard Broadribb Southdown Velo V 00:26:23 15:03
34 Kirsty Mcseveney Fareham Whs WS 15:04
35 Aran Stanton Velo Club St Raphael V 00:26:32 15:05
36 James Brickell Fareham Whs U/18 15:06
37 Karina Bowie Team Bottrill WV 00:28:24 15:07
38 Vaughan Marris Fareham Whs U/18 15:08
39 Darryl Rice Blazing Saddles V 00:26:50 15:09
40 Sebastian Ader ...a3crg V 00:26:18 15:10
41 Robert Bennett Fareham Whs S 15:11
42 Thomas Goodyer Portsmouth North End CC S 15:12
43 Matthew Pepper Fareham Whs V 00:26:13 15:13
44 Alison Wilson Portsmouth North End CC WS 15:14
45 Simon Berogna Velo Club St Raphael V 00:26:09 15:15
46 Chris Ewing Fareham Whs S 15:16
47 Patrick Brennan ...a3crg S 15:17
48 Nigel Powell Velo Club St Raphael V 00:27:14 15:18
49 David James-Cheesman Southdown Velo S 15:19
50 James Copeland Fareham Whs S 15:20
51 Ray Claridge G A Cycles V 00:26:23 15:21
52 Martin Jones Fareham Whs V 00:27:38 15:22
53 Deborah Smith Southdown Velo WV 00:28:08 15:23
54 Jonathan Coleman ...a3crg V 00:26:32 15:24
55 Paul Ashley Fareham Whs V 00:26:04 15:25
56 Warren Peters ...a3crg V 00:26:54 15:26
57 Tommy Frampton Portsmouth North End CC V 00:26:59 15:27
58 Robert Oliver Fareham Whs V 00:29:26 15:28
59 Matt Dunsbier Veloton Team V 00:26:23 15:29
60 James Boyman Neon Velo S 15:30
61 Stuart Martingale Sotonia CC V 00:26:36 15:31
62 Colin Dixon Portsdown Hill CC V 00:26:27 15:32
63 Paul Helyer Blazing Saddles S 15:33
64 Paul Morris Fareham Whs S 15:34

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